Sunday, January 8, 2012

Thinking About Writing a Book

Have you ever thought about writing a book? Is this a universal thing... or is it just me?
What is it about authors that sustain them through the process? Is it wanting to share an idea that is inside them, that keeps going through their brain like an annoying tune? Is it the challenge? Is it a form of bragging?

Well, for years I have been saying I am going to write a novel. But, I just don't get past thinking of the first few pages. I have the idea. It came to me in a dream! I thought, at the time that it would make a great book. Maybe the idea isn't so hot, but I'd still like to play with it.
So, along comes blogland. I began a blog almost two years ago. Then I thought about the novel again. And thought about blogging. And thought about combining the two. What if I wrote the novel, bit by bit, and let readers suggest ideas? Hmmm....what a novel idea! Almost like a reverse "Choose your own adventure" book. Yeah, OK, so the idea isn't that novel, but it sounds like it could be fun.
So...stay tuned - at some point I will begin this novel. I'll let my readers in on the kernels of the story. We can bounce ideas back and forth. We can write it together. If you're interested in playing along, leave me a comment or follow the blog. This may not happen quickly, but it will happen!
More later....